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From £27

Doully: Hier J’Arrête! 20 March 2025

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Doully: Hier J’Arrête!

20 March 2025

20 March 2025

From £27

Ticket prices include a £2 venue restoration levy


Available Tuesday 30 November 12:00am

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Punk presenter with a 'hobo voice' on Groland, and also a columnist on France Inter in Charline Vanhoenacker's show 'C’est Encore Nous'… Doully has mastered stand-up, particularly by telling with remarkable ease and humour, stories from her past as a former junkie with a thousand and one lives (go-go dancer, barmaid, restroom attendant, porn dubber, fashion designer, French teacher in Spain, etc. etc.), as well as her sobriety.

Présentatrice punk à « la voix de clochard » de Groland, mais aussi chroniqueuse sur France Inter dans l’émission de Charline Vanhoenacker “C’est encore nous”… Doully est passée maître du stand-up en racontant notamment avec une aisance et une drôlerie bluffantes son passé d’ex-junkie aux mille et une vies (go-go danseuse, barmaid, dame pipi, doubleuse de porno, créatrice de prêt-à-porter, prof de français en Espagne, etc, etc...), mais aussi sa sobriété…

Please note this show will be performed in French.


From £27

Ticket prices include a £2 venue restoration levy


Leicester Square Theatre

Age Advisory


Running Time

1 hr 30 mins including interval


Thursday 20 March 2025 7:00pm
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