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Brad Williams’ Leicester Square Questionnaire

16 Jul 2024

Brad Williams is one of the funniest comedians in the USA right now and has become one of the most in-demand comedians working today. We caught up with the man Robin Williams once referred to as "Prozac with a head" before his double show date with us on 14 September!

What’s your most memorable heckle?
A guy in the audience was so drunk, he randomly screamed out “f*ck you, I’m not Mexican!” and charged the stage. I wasn’t even talking to him. I had not referred to anyone being Mexican. But he thought I had, and charged the stage. Luckily security was there to stop him.

What is your most controversial food opinion?
Mayonnaise on steamed broccoli. It’s delicious.

What’s different about performing in the UK?
The idea of performing in the UK excites me. One thing that’s slightly different is that the UK is used to shows you might find at the Edinburgh Fringe. So UK audiences are more patient and allow you to develop your jokes and stories more than other audiences.

Who’s the best up-and-coming performer we haven’t heard of?
Fahim Anwar. He’s killing it in Los Angeles at the Comedy Store every night.

Who would you describe as your arch-nemesis?
Peter Dinklage. But he doesn’t know who I am and hasn’t met me yet. And I don’t even dislike him. I’m just jealous of him. He’s so talented. If they made a movie and called it The Brad Williams Story, it would star Peter Dinklage.

When was the time you bombed the most onstage?
I was in Baltimore at a comedy club with a “$20 All You Can Drink!” midnight show. The audience was so drunk that they got up onstage and started dancing. They couldn’t care less that a comedian was talking. I did 20 minutes of my contracted hour. The owner paid me and said “it happens every week.”

What’s been your strangest fan encounter?
A woman told the front desk of a hotel I was staying in that she was my wife. They let her into my room without asking me. That was not fun.

How do you like to relax after a gig?
Late night food with my opening act and talking until 3am.

What’s the one thing you want the audience to take away from your show?
That they are in pain because they laughed so hard for the past hour.

What would you tell your five-year-old self?
You’re never gonna stop shitting your pants so don’t worry about it.

What’s the oddest thing you’ve overheard in London?
“That guy behind me looks like an uglier Brad Williams.”

Tickets are now on sale for Brad Williams, Saturday 14 September, 7pm and 9:30pm.